
How to use it?
Emails are automatically sorted into different categories to help users prioritize their attention with the Split Inbox feature in Superhuman. The tool is equipped with AI technology that allows users to compose entire emails with just a single line through its Superhuman AI-powered email drafting capability. Users can stay on top of important emails by setting follow-up reminders to ensure tasks are not missed. With the Snippets feature, repetitive phrases or entire emails can be automated for improved efficiency. Emails can be temporarily hidden from the inbox using the Snooze Emails function for later handling. Read Statuses enable users to track when recipients read their emails for timely follow-ups. Autocorrect feature assists in real-time error correction to boost typing speed and accuracy. Superhuman offers team collaboration by allowing users to share read statuses for improved communication and effectiveness. By providing social insights from platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, Superhuman enhances email interactions. Users can seamlessly manage their schedules by integrating their calendars within Superhuman for efficient event planning.