Sharly AI

Chat with any documents and PDFs
How to use it?
Simply upload any document or PDF and start chatting with Sharly AI. Ask questions, get accurate summaries, and retrieve specific information instantly.
PDF AI chatbot: This AI tool, Sharly AI, includes a chatbot feature for PDFs.
Cross-document analysis: Sharly AI can analyze multiple documents simultaneously.
Automatic OCR for PDFs: Sharly AI has automatic Optical Character Recognition for PDF files.
Integrated with Google Drive: Sharly AI is compatible and can be used alongside Google Drive.
AI summaries and citations: Sharly AI can generate summaries and citations using artificial intelligence.
Custom AI behavior: Users have the option to customize the behavior of Sharly AI to suit their needs.
Reliable and secure infrastructure: Sharly AI is built on a secure and dependable infrastructure.
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