Introduction: ChordChord: a chord progression generator & music maker.
Category: Music Software

ChordChord is a chord progression generator and music maker that allows users to create chords, get inspired, and export their ideas in MIDI, MP3, WAV, or PDF formats.
How to use it?
To use ChordChord, simply launch the ChordChord Studio and start creating music. It is designed to be user-friendly and even beginners can easily dive into advanced features. You can also share and export your projects with friends or continue your work in any professional music software.
AI tool ChordChord utilizes artificial intelligence to assist in music creation. It can create harmonic chords and drum beats, allowing users to edit compositions with intelligent recommendations. The tool enables users to export and share their demos, aiding in the prototyping of song ideas. Importantly, ChordChord does not require users to have any knowledge of music theory.